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Old 3rd November 2013, 03:46 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Battara
By the way, I forgot what the talismanic meaning is behind the silver dot in the blade tip. Any ideas?
Wow what a nice kris you have found Jose. Congrats with this beauty!
I don't know what the silver dot in the blade tip means, and I'm also curious if somebody find something out about it in the future.

I have a mandau with one dot in the middle which is all through the blade, and four dots around the central dot like a square, inlaid in only one side of the blade and not going all through the blade.
Though dots in mandaublades are not uncommon, it's strange to have them on a mandaublade situated like these.
As the dayaks has other beliefs as the moro's, I don't think the solution of the meaning of such dot will be applicable for both swords.
But I thought it would be a nice side addition to show the images here...

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