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Old 25th October 2013, 02:46 AM   #4
Keris forum moderator
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Ariel, i have certainly heard the idea of 12 being a significant number in Javanese Mysticism and that one can find the occasional rare 12 luk keris, but i can't say that i ever saw one that couldn't be interpreted as either actually 13 or perhaps a 13 luk keris that has been worn down sufficiently over time and now only appears to be 12. This is not to say that a 12 luk keris does not exist, but when you ask if this is "true" i think you enter into a fluid territory. If you read Alan's treatise on the subject you will note his hypothesis that the number of luk are based upon certain Hindu principles that were part of the Javanese culture at the time of the origin of the keris. At some point since the advent of Islam Java this system/method of counting underwent a change. So, do we count Ms. Ghirighelli's 12 luk keris as 12 or 10? Does it matter if the keris being counted originated in a Hundu or Islamic Jawa? Is it more likely that a keris breaks from the long tradition embraced in both the Hindu and Islamic influenced Javanese cultures of odd numbered luk or that the blade simply worn down over time to appear as an even number? I think what is "true" in this case might depend upon what belief system you choose to embrace.
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