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Old 16th October 2013, 04:38 PM   #1
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Default Would This Indian Sword Classify as a Sousson Patah???

I recently purchased this piece from Ebay. I cleaned it up just a little bit.
It is a small sword with a wide blade and the hilt indicates it was carried by a smaller person(like me!) It is 27in. in total length. The blade is only 23in. long, but it is just over 2.5in. wide at its widest point. Two shallow fullers are on either side of the central rib. There is a narrower fuller just below the spine. The blade shows a clear color contrast in its pattern welding and the pattern is pretty consistent and it absolutely rings. The hilt is iron chiseled in a floral motif and then covered in silver, most of which remains except for worn edges.

Does this sword, simply by way of its slightly down curved blade, qualify as a sousson patah???...or perhaps a form of a soussan patah. It has little in common with the sousson patahs that have a more traditional longer, narrower, yataghan style blade. Is there a possibility it could be regarded as something else entirely?

Any guesstimates regarding its age??? I am guessing early to mid 19th century.

Does the hilt perhaps give away the region of India frow which it most likely originated???

Looking forward to your insight and comments.
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Last edited by CharlesS; 16th October 2013 at 05:23 PM.
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