Thread: large Keris
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Old 14th October 2013, 03:26 PM   #8
Keris forum moderator
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I think you are right Alan and i did rush to judgement to refer to this as a "KLO". I believe that you are correct that it is a rather low quality "real" blade that has been "upgraded" for more commercial appeal, though i can't imagine this was done for the indigenous market (but who knows).
The dress is a better carving than some of the examples i have seen of this dress form and i am of the mind as well that a good example of this dress does have a place in a well balanced collection and indeed have one with a much better blade in my own collection. While this form has become synonymous with the classic tourist keris i have also heard it referred to as "dance dress". I have thrown the question out before as to whether or not this could be the origins of such dress, but have never received and definite confirmation on that question.
Brian, i am with Jean in the suggestion that you try to clean and restain this blade in order to remove the nasty fake pamor.
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