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Old 29th September 2013, 07:36 AM   #5
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Some people do believe that having a broken or poor condition keris in one's possession can bring bad luck, but others believe that taking responsibility for and looking after a keris that has been neglected or broken can bring good luck.

I belong to this second camp.

I do have more than a few very fine keris, but I also have a number of keris that were rescued from situations of total neglect. One of my favourite keris was in the junk basket of a well known Solo dealer when I rescued it. It was in absolutely bad condition. It got a complete makeover, including going back into the fire, as the blade was almost a figure 8. It came back to life as a very nice keris.

Maybe the effect on luck depends upon what each of us believe.
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