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Old 27th September 2013, 09:08 PM   #3
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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This does appear to be a hanger somewhat of the 'cuttoe' type of 18th century, and the East European assessment seems quite plausible. Interesting use of the dramatic red backdrop in the images which reminds me of certain style used by several dealers and truly enhances the metalwork.
In the 18th century the gentry and courts greatly favored social groups focused on hunting and related activities in which fashion and status oriented arms were de rigeur. Actually many of the swords worn in court settings were those known collectively as 'hunting swords', used from the previous century and onward as 'riding' or travel swords.

This appears one of this type, and as Mark has well noted, the openwork on the guard is not likely to be a monogram, though it certainly appears to be the letter 'A'. The metalwork is outstanding but the grip is a cast iron form of crosshatch form seen occasionally on certain Islamic style arms but not until latter in 18th or into 19th. The profile of the hilt resembles certain Islamic, particularly Ottoman, forms.

The blade does appear to be German as noted, and of about mid 18th type or perhaps slightly earlier. These cabalistic motifs with cosmological elements, in particular the faced crescent moon, were actually widely used on blades in these times not only in Germany but other East European centers and France. They were not associated with any particular maker nor region but typically applied by artisans working with blade producers as they were prepared for various markets and clientele. The groupings evolved from the calendar and good fortune style motif often used on hunting and court weapons which led to talismanic associations later in wider scope.

The eyelet and apertures on the guard suggest three chains may have been used on the knuckleguard, further emphasizing its non combat usage.
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