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Old 27th September 2013, 04:45 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Jean
Is this a good practice? I have found that these flagrant pusaka oils do not prevent rust and tend to deposit on the blade if they are applied too frequently. I personally stopped using them and only use 3 in 1 spray (anti-rust/ hydrofuge/ lubricant) but gun or paraffine oil is another good alternative. Your opinions will be welcome.
Well, my suggestion was not to apply oil frequently, but when the blade "looks too dry." I have never had a problem with any build up on the blade, but then i make my own oil that uses mineral oil as it's base, not the coconut oil that some traditional oils do. It could be that build up occurs from the coconut oil base. For myself using scented oils is essential for the "spiritual" care of my blades. Other collectors obviously do not hold to this and can disregard my practice if they wish. In all my years of collecting i have never had a rust problem with this method.
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