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Old 27th September 2013, 08:47 AM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
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Not at home with my books, but I believe the seller was right on with his synopsis. It's an 18th c. hanger, with French and/or Eastern European (Hungarian a good possibility) style. Hangers such as this were used in hunting, as well as for sidearms for infantry/army/naval officers. The ironwork design is spectacular and one I've never seen before. I think it is contemporary wit the blade. The hilt very similar to falchions and cuttoes of the period. The markings on the sword are all very typical of 17th/18th c. markings, moons, stars, cabalistic markings, foliage, etc. The raised pommel bolt/tang and shape of hilt leads me to believe first quarter 18th century. The open-work guard/knuckle bow is very interesting/unique, but I don't think the design is a monogram? I could be wrong. The open style with missing chain could indicate more of a hunting use as far as the guard and shorter length blade goes. A very beautiful and well-designed piece!
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