Thanks guys.
Robert and're at the wrong place, no dumpster out back, but if you are ever in the area, you are welcome thru the front door. Food and drinks will be served.
Vinny & Carlos, Kampilans are one of my favorite weapons, I can't stop looking at them.
Vandoo, it seems like it's more than a Kampilan bug has bitten you, judging by what you have posted. I stood the Lantaka up against the wall temporarily to get it off the floor while I was setting things up. Good set of eyes spotting the Tiwi spear.
Charles, I've been contemplating this display method for over a year. Running it thru my mind on how to do it each time I looked up at the blank wall. I had to get the Kampilans off the corner area on the floor. Finally, one thing crossed off my mental list.