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Old 23rd September 2013, 11:12 AM   #29
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water bufala* are commonly used to supply mozzarella cheese to a horde of hungry italians and inhabitants of other western countries who have become addicted to pizza and grilled slabs of mozzarella. it has a higher melting point than other cheeses and can be grilled or bbq'd. (some inferior non-italian 'mozzarella' is made from cow's milk - caveat emptor)

i thus imagine buff horn is fairly common in italy, as it is in nepal or india/SEA.

* - italian for the female buffalo. male buffalo milk is unsuited to making edible cheese. they are also harder to milk and the resulting milk is highly perishable, so is kept at cryogenic temperatures and used almost exclusively for making additional buffaloes.

Last edited by kronckew; 23rd September 2013 at 11:34 AM.
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