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Old 17th September 2013, 03:53 PM   #10
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You both raise valid points....I think we can all agree this scabbard was made for this blade. In my mind, again having the advantage of having seen it, I think they match in age, but of course, as David points out, there are no guarantees. Lovely couple together under any circumstances!!

I also agree with Ron. Occasionally we have to get out of the mindset of a "cookie cutter" mentality that ALL sword(or blade) types must meet a prescribed formula in form and materials. Actually, I think many will agree, this is when the hobby becomes most fun...when we find that special piece that is clearly recognizable but "breaks the mold" so to speak.

Thanks again for sharing that fantastic piece!

BTW, perhaps I have overused one of my favorite catch phrases, borrowed from Artzi, that is "born together" that I mean in the most general sense of the term, that is, that a scabbard and blade both fit properly and appear via age and materials to be of the same era. This is not to say that the scabbard and blade must be made by the same person at the exact same time. Perhaps "belong together" would be a better and more appropriate phrase, but I likely will stick with "born together".....

Last edited by CharlesS; 17th September 2013 at 04:50 PM.
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