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Old 15th September 2013, 01:19 AM   #8
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 8

Originally Posted by laEspadaAncha
Hello Ram and welcome to the forum!

Thank you for posting this beautiful 'scribe' folder... you'll see my humble example in the other thread in which you translated the initials on an ex-OA piece.

As you collect them, to your knowledge, do there exist any stylistic differences between these stylus knives to be found on both coasts (with regards to handle construction, shape, blade shape/grind, etc)?

Thanks for the warm welcome! I am not sure about other Southern Asian countries, but in South India, there were several different types of these foldable styluses. I have two different types and both of these types have already been posted in the forum. The differences are usually in the handles. The materials used are either ivory, animal horns, brass, or wood.

I am currently pursuing an investigation on the origin of these types of stylus as I have not been able to find references beyond 1860s. I have sent my request to some of India's manuscript scholars in this matter and hopefully I will get a response (might be difficult as I am an American with no pedigree in this, but who knows). I will keep you guys posted on my endeavor.

Finally, I am currently waiting shipment on a large collection of manuscripts and styluses from Denmark. The original origin of the contents happens to be from Sri Lanka and South India. So I should be in the process of receiving even more types in the coming weeks. Once it arrives, I'll post some pictures. There is a different type of stylus that has a curved knife one one end and the sharp stylus point on the other which should interest this forum...


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