Originally Posted by A.alnakkas
Been a while since I posted anything here, so decided to have this one for discussion.
The sword is dressed in Tayf made mounts of the older better quality, King Faisal era. The mounts are very traditional and made of excellent quality silver... Nothing unusual except for the blade...
The blade is forged, strong and thick... slightly on the heavy side but nothing impractical. Even the more modern Tayf made saifs come with strong forged blades.. but this is unusual. There are no marks so I cant assume it to be European.
What do you guys think?
Salaams A.alnakkas ~ Nice pictures. Mine is similar and again no blade mark but I suspect its not old... in mine anyway. The chain is missing but the remnants are similar to yours... Mine has 3 rivets in the hilt. The blade back edge is etched. Scabbard similar. Are we looking at 1950 to 1980 manufacture or older?
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.