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Old 10th September 2013, 06:56 PM   #4
Keris forum moderator
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Thanks for the additional photos Auk. A very interesting keris. All i can add to what Alan has stated, even with the additional images, is that the dhapur appears to be some form of damar murub, with the three luks appearing at the very end of the blade as they do, but i have never seen one with quite these same features and can only assume that the dhapur here requires some other names to fully describe it. I would still like to see some clear close-ups of the gandik as i am having a hard time figuring out just what the form is here. If it is not simply that the form is eroded by time i do not quite recognize what is supposed to be from the photos. I can't tell if i am looking at a sekar kacang that has been eroded or pushed flat against the blade or if this is meant to represent a human figure as in a keris putut. Also interesting is the deep central fuller of the blade that blade that extends almost to the tip. These are features i have not seen on other damar murub blades. Perhaps Alan has some better ideas with these new photos.
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