Thread: Bali Hilts
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Old 5th September 2013, 12:27 AM   #31
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Battara, I'm sorry, but I must reply to these questions with a PM.

Edit regarding metal.

In respect of gold or silver. Gold is always better. Culturally gold is a substance of respect. In traditional Javanese and Balinese value systems silver is really no more highly prized than brass or copper --- it may be more expensive, but traditional Javanese people would probably prefer nicely polished copper or brass to silver. Its all about the visual impact. Same reason royal ornamental objects---keris and other--- will often use glass and pastes instead of natural gemstones.

Modern values are different, very high quality keris dress is now more often done in silver than in any other material, but the cultural roots dictate gold. I know a number of very, very traditional Javanese people, people who come from rural backgrounds or working class backgrounds. These people do not value silver at all, for one of these women to wear silver jewellery is a certain indicator that she cannot afford gold, so she would prefer to wear brass or copper that has been polished and possibly lacquered. Any spare money these people have is almost invariably saved as physical gold.

On the other hand, people of the modern generation in Jawa and Bali have to a large extent adopted western values, and for them, high quality work is best done in silver if they cannot afford gold.

Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 5th September 2013 at 12:56 AM.
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