Originally Posted by SwordsAntiqueWeapons
With respect, and hence my invitation,
A first hand and even scientific analysis of the sword we now discuss will reveal to you that this is now a 43year old souk manufactured sword nor is the delicate string worked leather scabbard....
They do exisit and it is worth the effort to explore the type in detail as they are in my opinion valid and I have ideas as to how and why they are in the world but first the opinion that they do not exist must be passed and explored further to comfirm this for you.
I must also point out, not specific to these swords or the souks spoken of or any other Oman sword type but tang extension has been common for hundereds of years and likely longer throughout Syria and other surronding countries just as base steel tangs and forte's were extended to wootz blades.
Salaams SwordsAntiqueWeapons,
I dont understand your first paragraph ?
If you have an idea as to how these arrived then lets hear it ! The hot anvil of Forum discussion awaits your findings...
Tang extensions... On Omani longhilts its different...

The pommel is part of the tang... On non pommel swords the tang has to be extended and a pommel welded on... then the sword can be hilted like a long Omani hilt... not before.
An example of an extended tang is on file here where you can see an Ethiopian blade fitted with an extended tang and pommel and awaiting its Omani hilt to be fitted in Muscat at Muttrah where they've been doing this for decades ! This blade has come up the same route as yours.. Germany- Ethiopia - Yemen/ Sanaa) -Muscat -Tourist -Worldwide -
http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/showth...ttara+comments see post 241.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.