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Old 27th August 2013, 12:59 AM   #6
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Willem, few people would argue that $1000 is not a substantial sum of money, however it is in fact a very minor sum of money to pay for a good quality keris.

This keris under discussion is no masterpiece, but it is an older keris with good garap, good material and in good condition, moreover its separate parts are also older items. Keris such as this are in high demand amongst serious and perceptive collectors. If this keris had been sold by a specialist dealer it would have been sold for a considerably higher price. In fact, it would not surprise me if this keris has been purchased by a dealer.

The value of all things is comparative:- $15,000 would be a very low price for a late model Mercedes Benz, but it would be a reasonable price to pay for a Toyota Corolla of the same vintage.
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