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Old 11th August 2013, 07:56 AM   #7
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Yes, I must admit that when I heard this story I was a bit surprised by some of its elements, especially after all the hype that ebay and Paypal push at us, however, I heard a similar story quite some time back. I don't recall the details of that first incident, but I think it was pretty similar to my son's experience.

I guess AMEX is a real good card company for buyers and a less than stellar one for sellers.

Which is no problem to anybody as long as you know who you're dealing with, but when you think you're dealing with Paypal or ebay and in fact you're dealing with AMEX it does have the potential to become a problem.

I feel that the way to fix it would be for Paypal to advise sellers of the card company that is funding the purchase.
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