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Old 5th August 2013, 05:13 PM   #11
Jim McDougall
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No problem Jens...Im not sure I fully understood what I said either! at least until I reread it. I think this is a hazard of the dreaded age advance

This topic is anything but concise anyway, and as you have wisely pointed out, the terms for the diverse weaponry of India are as varied and complex as the amazing number of languages and dialects that exist there. Factor in the complications of the others that come in through early colonialization and expanding incursions of other cultures!! and yikes!

I recall being told that in the case of many weapons in the Indonesian archipelago and through much of SE Asia, terms can even vary village to village!!! While probably somewhat exaggerated, I think the point is well taken, and applicable in many, if not most, ethnographic contexts.
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