Originally Posted by russel
Thanks Sajen.
The antler handle seems an obvious later addition. I can imagine there is a walking stick out there somewhere with an ivory Dha hilt tip! Can anyone recommend a suitable material (other than ivory) to make a replacement with?
Hello Russell, I would agree with the others...I would not change things. Actually this might be the original handle. I know the most common you will see are the straight handles, but it's not unseen to see the curved handles like this. The blade shape and fuller say it's Burmese. It would be interesting to see a picture of the scabbard it came with even though plastic it could be a native job...I have one village knife that has a portion that is wrapped with a pink sparkly plastic that was obviously part of a kids jump rope...and then another portion the scabbard band is one those plastic bands they use for wrap for shipping packages.