Thread: tourist dha ???
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Old 30th July 2013, 12:39 AM   #7
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Default For Comparion, my "Temple" Dha (Burma)

Agreed these named "Temple" dhas are mid 20th Century. They are a variant of "Story" dhas, which also have images on the blade. Temple dhas are unique in that they show the life story of Buddha.

The evidence is anecdotal AFIK for the Temple Dha. Here is what I've heard:
  • It is said that the temple dha is sometimes used ritually in “nat” (spirit) festivals, such as the Festival of the Spirits in Taungbyon, Burma.
  • Others report that this style sword is used for executions in Burma.
  • Yet another collector tells of buying a temple dha from a British diplomatic couple who received it on their wedding day from their Burmese hosts.
  • There are still others that claim the swords are simply tourist items and have no special meaning or value.

Regardless, the objects have their own beauty. Mine is dutifully sharp, fascinating to look at and to hold, and if held to a standard of practicality, it would do ok (not great, but ok).

Tourist item? Maybe. As Burma/Myanmar opens to the world, perhaps we will learn more.

Best Regards,

Dave A.
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