Thread: Dayak shields
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Old 25th July 2013, 10:57 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Albert
This is a strange one in my collection.
Extremely simple.
Roughly made.
No rattan bindings.
But it certainly has age!
I am puzzled. Has anyone seen an specimen like this before?
Hello Albert,

What is the size of the shield? If it is smaller as usual it could be a shield of a child (you can find a picture of such in
In Centraal Borneo II from Anton Willem Nieuwenhuis.)

If it's a normal sized shield, we have several possibilities I guess:
A: It could be used in "mock battles";
B: Or it was used as a dancing shield;
C: Plain ones were also put sometimes in dayak graves;
D: It was made for a statue in the village which had the purpose to drive out and keep away bad spirits.

In my opinion it wasn't used for warfare.

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