So lately I've been more actively looking for some really nice shamshirs over here and today I bit the bullet and got a couple of really great sword, hence the excitement. It is really hard for find swords here that have all the original scabbards with them, and the guy had told me that one comes with original scabbard and one ofcourse did not have a sheet. When I checked i saw that it was not the original sheet and to my dismay some douche bag had sawed off the end of the sheet and covered it with another piece of metal, hence being pissed off. Either way i dropped a pretty big amount and bought them, and here is why

one is a decently nice Assadullah, which I'd need to have etched professionally and I think it might have the ladder pattern, and the other one and the more expensive one is a flameberg serrated edge looking shamshir by Kalb Ali ( so a father and son combo). Yeah they dont have scabbards but I guess I don't care. The second one has not been etched, i guess since it was made but has some really nice originally etched by maker wootz pattern to it. Now I guess I'll have to sell some of my other ones once I get home