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Old 15th July 2013, 10:16 PM   #25
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 608

Originally Posted by Jens Nordlunde
I have never been to the south of India, and I am sorry if I have messed something up - it was not my intention. I hoped to help the owner of the Adya Katti, as I know how tiresom it can be to have an inscription - but no translation.
I asked Nidhin in a PM if he could do the translation, and was quite sure that he could, so the fault is mine - sorry.

No worries, Jens, and I appreciate you taking the time to clarify.

And if I may reciprocate, I did not undertake my effort to attempt to assist another forumite with an expectation of recognition. However, as I - as surely you must as well - value my time (and I know exactly what value I place on my time), given our forum's rich historical record - at least as observable to me in the seven years in which I have been posting here - of employing and encouraging Socratic dialecticism and collective effort as methodologies to seek answers to these ethnographic riddles we all encounter, IMO we introduce a regretable downside risk in giving the impression we no longer value doing so.

BTW, it is very cool that we do indeed have a fluent Malayali speaker in the forum.

Last edited by laEspadaAncha; 15th July 2013 at 10:37 PM.
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