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Old 6th July 2013, 11:51 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by VVV
Most important, the original collection tag said Lombok on it. ;-)

If you look at the lower part of the hilt there is a beak and a bird face (Garuda). I suspect that this also is a Lombok-feature.
Maybe Maurice can bring it out better with new pictures?
Yes Michael, that's right! :-)

I will make some decent pictures within the next few days of the handle.

It has floral leaf motifs all over, but looking at the shape there's indeed some kind of mouth visible and it looks like I can see some kind of nose? (just like a macara, only instead of the upper jaw it's tog an elobarated lower jaw).
But maybe it's just my imagination and I see the wrong presentation in it.

Also I looks that there's a bit in the front missing. But if so very long time ago as it has the same patina. But it might be that it's all intact and it meant carved like this...

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