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Old 29th June 2013, 11:13 AM   #11
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 4
Default Wife Beater Club

It appears that I offended someone.....not intended....regarding my comment about the short pole club perhaps being that of which is described in what some consider the (Fijian Bible) Clunie's Weapons and Warfare,as well as reading this account in other publications. Historical observations are just that,and incidentally,my brain is never turned off......and just what is religious text? Limited historic observations at best.Yes,one can imagine that the Fijians were indeed skilled warriors,with the many weapon styles,and the many horror stories that were told,which are also historical observations.The same observations,and documenting made by which most of this information is acquired,including your observation on sport,contests as entertainment tournaments, light protection and disputes within a Fijians own chiefs local.What else does one have? Of course they were proficient at making clubs to suit what ever task was required. These clubs were primarily made to dispatch your opponent quickly.They claimed to be of a cannibal class,because this was their culture,and they allegedly liked it.It was said that during the early years of Pacific Whaling,and European voyaging,Fiji,as well as the Solomon Isles were avoided,as having the potential of being a dinner guest.The Fijians were and are very superstitous,and many items were reserved for the chiefly class,which was a wide practice thought the Pacific region.Many things that were considered sacred Chiefly items were forbidden/Kapu/Taboo for commoners to posses.If found to possess such a piece...say a whale may well have a neat little hole punched into his skull,i.e Totokia. In fact the smaller pole clubs,were allegedly a chiefly thing as well,as were Totokia,Whale Tooth Ivory,fly whisks,forks,etc... All of these things have been documented.Most documented by Missionaries attempting to change what they considered a Savage culture.One must remember that without observation,and documention,many of these cultures have disappeared,as they had no known written language,and were only able to pass the History from generation to generation,by way of song,chant,or verbal stories that often get lost,or diluted over time.often with the aggressive tactics of the Missionaries.And of course the knowledge/observations of foreign writings,and journals that were kept by those making these keen observations,are what remains,aside from stories.Take a good look at what happened in Hawaii,just to mention another very Westernized affected culture.I reside in the Pacific region,and have several Fijian friends,that know very little about Fiji,their culture,and the past,and of others that have a great bit of knowledge of the past.Many were taught to repress the past history,cannibal history,along with the brutality,that was pervasive in the Pacific Region,and headhunting,and cannibalism is not only reserved to the Pacific Region.Remember they loved having guests,for dinner!!! It was not uncommon for the wife/wives of a recent deceased Chief,to be killed,so they could follow him into the afterlife.Sorry if you were put off by the comment...not intended.I like the staffs also,and very,very familiar with martial arts/stick fighting.All the Best
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