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Old 28th June 2013, 02:12 AM   #9
driftwould's Avatar
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Location: Currently, Taiwan. Previously China for 6 years. Speak and read 中文 well.
Posts: 34
Wink Replies all around!


Thanks for posting those pics, good idea.


Thanks for the reply. Just to reiterate, when I posted this I really was looking for info on older types of blades that the modern ones I posted pics of descended from, and still am. The info about links to Uzbek knives is great and I'll be learning more about that the first chance I get.


I read 中文 reasonably well (and live in Taiwan, so have lots of native speaking friends), but since I'm just starting out I'm still pretty unfamiliar with a lot of websites. If you can post the link you mentioned at HF sword forum that would be great- I did a Google search for HF sword forum but didn't find the site you were talking about... (yeah, newbie! ) The books sound great, please post more titles specific to Central Asian knives and other traditional weapons when you get a chance!
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