Thread: U'u club
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Old 25th June 2013, 06:29 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 1
Default U'u club

I inherited a U'u club recently and was told that is is of the "tourist" variety.
I do know that it was in the possession of a Frank Homes, photographer, who lived in Tahiti from about 1890 to his death in 1953. I was told that he took possession of it after taking over another photographer's business. That man was a Mr. Spitz who was in Tahiti much earlier and had it probably about 1860 (?).

Can anyone help me date it and also to let me know the criteria that constitutes a "tourist" piece? Are there any physical characteristics that you can tell by?

Thank you!!!!!![IMG]jpg[/IMG]
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