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Old 17th June 2013, 07:21 PM   #11
Tim Simmons
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I have two of these Papuan Central Highlands bowman shields very similar to the one you have. Interesting that they are about the same size, however they are quite different. One is relatively finely carved displaying the stroke of the adze. The timber is light, the shield weighs 1.422 kg. The design on the front appears to have been painted with imported paints? I am not completely sure but the paint is certainly different or more sophisticated than earth based pigments. This shield is old probably 1960s - 1970s when traditional warfare had yet to become trade axe and shotgun to AK47. The other is much more roughly hewn as if just a thick slice split from a large timber log. This shield weighs almost twice the other example, being 2.507 kg. The shield is painted with the usual earthen pigments. Could possibly be a decade or two older.

I have yet to get an Australian shield. In spite of the fact that they are extremely common, several available on ebay each week, and traditionally made throughout the 20th century. They are so over priced as is they are rare and antique.
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