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Old 12th June 2013, 07:57 AM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Detlef,

In the keris you inquire about I don't see any feature that IMVHO clearly points to a Banjar origin; the hilt doesn't look like Solo, Yogya, nor Madura craftmanship to me either. Banjar carving work tends to be very neat, especially floral or geometric design elements found with (non-figural) wooden hilts. I agree that this hilt seems to be old and exhibits some genuine wear; it's certainly desirable and warrants further research. I'd hesitate to associate it with the buzzing economical hub and international melting pot of the Banjar/Negara area and would tend to look for more of a backwater in those days as a possible origin.

This seems to be a kinda odd ensemble: How well does the blade fit into the scabbard? Any close-ups of the base of the blade as well as of the mendak? I hope our members specializing in Java/Madura will also chime in...

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