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Old 26th May 2013, 09:44 AM   #13
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by fearn
Actually, at least two of the museums in Balboa Park are doing as ducks do: looking serene above water, and paddling crazily beneath the surface to stay afloat. I know this because I'm a member of one museum, and a member of another group that donates money to that museum to keep one of its core (and award winning) departments open and working.

My experience is that this is fairly normal for non-profits. There are fat years and lean years, and more to take care of every year, given that greed is currently fashionable and philanthropy currently is not.

Given Tim's disparaging comment on sustainability, I suspect I'm whistling in the wind here, but I'd strongly suggest that the wealthier among us might seriously consider giving grants to our favorite museums to pay for the salaries of people to keep up their favorite weapons collections. Rust and rot doesn't do anyone a bit of good, does it?

I'd also suggest that, if fantasy online games are mining all these museums for weapons to use in their games, they'd do well to give a bit of money back to the museums that provided them with the raw material they used to decorate those games.

But then again, I've always been an impractical romantic.


Salaams fearn, I agree with all that... What is needed is an Ethnographic Arms and Armour Museum...!! Then we could really go to town on the subject and all its supporting concepts like certification and degree programs... Yaaaaa !!

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
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