Originally Posted by archer
Hi All, Thanks for your input. Swords have not been My thing in the past but, they are growing on Me. Searches of old posts bring up the Pedang downward pommel on a firangi pedang . I remembered this miniture and others of hunts using swords and though I can't prove it the downward hilt seems perfect for downward strikes from a horse. Ariel mentioned the little balls at the end of the quillions, in this case they seem to be leaf pedals on a "lotus" bud. Flavio has it exactly right we need a " Clasic Tulwar Thread". I can't offer much information but, stand amazed at the different handling characteristics even these three swords bring out. Any ideas on the era this one started out in. Thanks, Steve
Interesting.... I have always thought that Firangi was from India and Pedang was from Indonesia. Never heard of the combined term before......