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Old 21st May 2013, 07:27 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
Thank you Stu, actually we are in Dallas and the tornados several days ago just missed us, those in Oklahoma are actually where we were headed. We have warnings again for tomorrow, but we will roll out early and head westward....out of tornado alley! My brother and family in Oklahoma are all OK, but too close!

I agree these swords seem to among many which for years were refurbished and many that came out of Zanzibar to supply the many tribal factions in ongoing strife and civil war in Yemen after WWI. It seems the 'Zanzibar' nimchas were said to have come from there and to supply Yemen (I know one I have was of about 40 in from an arsenal there according to source). In the work done by Louis-Pierre years ago he shows these type markings on the blade of some of these. There would seem little doubt that the marks as seen here are probably interpretations of the Schnitzler-Kirschbaum type groupings seen on the cutlass type trade blades.

Thanks for keeping these interesting examples coming!!!!
Keep your head down Jim. We have just seen on TV damage to More, Oklahoma!
Suggest you head elsewhere!
Anyway back to the subject in hand. I agree these swords are interesting items, even though it is hard to date them or be certain of origins. The various materials used and styles created show that any useful material was used to create what is probably best called a backyard piece.
Keep safe.
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