Thread: jambiya dagger
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Old 2nd May 2013, 04:34 PM   #28
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 19

Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Salaams all... Its quite difficult to be definite from the pictures but I still think Rhino. I think I can see what could be the tell tale spaghetti endings otherwise not seen in any of the photos. ... at #1 on the second photo where the light catches the hilt at the end of the tee shape.

There are several colours of Rhino horn moving through the spectrum from dark almost black through to light brown to chrystaline yellow and white with varying degrees of transparency...In the Yemen each grade and colour has a different name...and rarity. Good luck with your quest..

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.

Thanks to Ibrahim and Bantaru..

What you said about colours and the colour spectrums are right..

Also when I look to the micro structures with 3x2times and 10times magnifier of this hilt are right : the hair strands-thin spaghetti, the orange peel are totally right..

Physically morphology ewith naked eye catching plus using magnifier also right : what we have here that all woods, stones, animal lijke deer, cow, sheep, crocodile, wild boar, cattle, water buffalo and else, are totally different in their kind of element part, body parts, horn, bones, with this kind of hilt..

Many photos in this forum about the microstrustures of rhino and also by searching in google (thanks for them), that have similarities with the hilt I have..

But why somebody said this hilt is (maybe) a cattle horn, carabou horn or deer horn, or water buffalo horn or common or domestic horn.. All are tottally different if we look directly with magnifier to see the microstructures... Do you have unique apecies for unique hilt?

Please give explanation abut it... Because by looking and focus on micro structures, this hilt jambiya dagger of mine, is a real rhino horn hilt, as Ibrahiim, Bantaru and members (thanks to you all) that surely give the excact knowledge about rhino (including history of jambiya dagger from Yemen)..

Regards, Adrian
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