Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Salaams BANTARU ~ Interesting. Hmmm.... Oh welcome to the forum by the way...
This is an odd one... aren't they all? The 4 rings along the top forming the main belt section ~ and the biggest of the rings...in a straight line look original..so if I was looking for the added ring it has to be one of the others... Firstly this looks like an 8 ringer Muscat Khanjar not a Royal Khanjar though the scabbards are similar.. It looks like it has spent a decade or two in Salalah...in the mountains on a Jebali waist...but the additional 9th ring... who can tell...? Nice one ... it should clean up very nicely. I would be more cautious with the date ... 60 years old or 80 perhaps?
For a broad look at Khanjars see http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/showth...omani+khanjars
and an 8 ringer with similar design features see http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/showth...omani+khanjars
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
Salaam Wajah,
Thank You and for your opinion as well. The Hilt to me , looks like that of a UAE Khanjar. However, the designs on top of the hilt look different from the standard ones we see everyday. IT is possible that it belongs to Bedu, inhabiting the areas between Oman and the Trucial Coast. so he probably added the extra ring. but they all look original so maybe the Creator just thought of adding the extra ring. you never know what goes on in their minds.
how do I clean it exactly? what parts must I clean? also will it look better without the patina?
as to the date, yeahh its possible.