Sorry forum.. Maybe some trouble with my online system and now I make re-reply the last information I just had yesterday, thanks for everybody ...
I Just went from the city big handycraft shopping center.. So many kind of tradional hand made craftmenship using natural material from woods, cow, goat, buffalo including their horns and bones.... Also looking at gallery which have several antique item from elephant ivory, claw, bone and teeth or body part from animal such as tiger, jungle bear, crocodile, wild boar, wild rooster, shark/whale fish... Alll is totally different through naked eyes look or using magnifier and digital camera with this weapon hilt material ...
This hilt material is surely atural.. But if it is not from wood, not from rhino horn (because surely from member at discussion forum here, that this hilt material not from rhino horn), and not from other several kinds of horn that we have generally in Indonesia, so is it from special cattle horn that not live in Indonesia and maybe similar countries in south east asia ... Maybe unique horn from water buffalo, giraffe, or else...
But the problem here that if anyone there have a unique cattle species or unique deer or buffalo species, they must have totally different horn macro and micro structures that we have the common species here in south east asia... And of that unique speces is using in this called Yemen jambiya dagger (from wikipedia and other online information)...
Again, Thanks everyone for the opinion .
Regards, Adrian