Thread: jambiya dagger
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Old 30th April 2013, 08:09 AM   #20
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Adrian,

Welcome to the forum!

And also glass magnifier with eyes test which will see the material at the top end of the hilt will look like a bundle of "thin spaghetti"?
Yes, this is the only way to verify rhino horn. Look for surfaces which are reasonably smooth and close to vertical to the "grain" of the horn. In your example this would be the pommel end of the hilt, for example.

While there are a few hints which may point to your hilt being from rhino (texture at the upper corners of the attached close-up), I am not yet convinced that it really is rhino: the appaearance of the more obvious cracks in the hilt as well as the "blonde" streak at the gripping area do look more like "common" horn to me.

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