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Old 29th April 2013, 09:31 PM   #1
BANTARU's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 39
Default Behold the Worlds only 9-ringer Khanjar!

Hey Everyone. Hope you are well. I am the terminator. lol

ok so I recently came into acquisition of the beautiful, old 9-ringer Khanjar, from the late-18th to early-19th Century. It has a Rhino horn hilt, silver and leather scabard.
Ive searched a lot online for pictures of original (by this I mean 'antique'. ofcourse new ones are original as well) Khanjars , but the maximum number of rings I found were 8, and even these were not so common.

ofcourse if you have come across 9-ringers, feel free to share the pics with me and disappoint me.
and ofc, I would like to hear your experienced opinions about this dagger.

so here are the pics. Ill take more later.
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