Hi Alan and forum members,
Yes, I do believe society, cultural, place of origin, etc affect us in how we collect things. In Keris specifically we can say few stages happen:
1. Learning stages: u only listen and absorb:dangerous stage

with limited knowledge - possibility get burnt if you are not carefull. This is also depending on who is your local ring ( people you know and telling you) could be local n possibly overseas. Thanks to internet n this forum as well.
2. Absorb, study/ research and comparing to what you really want to achieve. At this stage early stage information and also your background knowledge play a part. (Your previous knowledge, etc like Jean mentioned in previous post)
I myself, like to see the harmony in keris. Not only on the Keris itself with their pamor material or design, their slorok, garap, estimate of age, etc. But also their accessories: handle, rongko etc. All have to be in harmony. You can't put keris kodean into cendono rongko with suoso pendok.
3. Maybe after all two points above happens, we are coming at the stage either to stop collecting (caused burnt to much or wrong in making decisions or your partner want to leave you....) or just slowing down re-arrange what you want, review and either making one for your self or wait until a good one arrived within your budget.