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Old 25th April 2013, 07:42 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Norman McCormick
Hi Glen,
Seems possible, I'm sure I've seen the same or similar on other blades, still trying to find some more examples.
My Regards,
I do have a few buried in files somewhere for Soligen made swords up into the 19th century. Some have stated it specifically regards Schnitzler&Kirshbaum (iirc, one of them anyway), as an export agent but considering the variety I have seen it on I don't believe it to be a specific company. Possibly a single bladeworks but my gut says it represents the entire city and all the forges. It does sometimes show up on Soligen stamped in along with the spine mark but often without and waht seem to be earlier blades. I think Solingen blade history could be a life study in and of itself.

Wagner may have notes in his book but I do not own his tome that also shows the Passau marks.


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