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Old 10th April 2013, 10:26 PM   #1
David R
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Default The Royal Armouries Association

The Royal Armouries Association was started originaly to campaign for the locating of the new R.A. Museum in Leeds, under the name of the Royal Armouries Support Group. So in fact we pre date the Museum building by a few years.
After the construction of the museum at its present site it was felt that the old name did not really describe the group and so was changed to the present one, "The Royal Armouries Association".
We are a friendly group of collectors and interested people with a common enjoyment of the history of arms and armour, from all periods and countries and all types.
Some meetings are simple "show and tell", an opportunity to bring items along, to show them off and get input from fellow collectors.
Other meeting we are privilaged to see items out of the Armouries collection not visible to the general public. Sometimes we have seminars delivered either by a curator, or by a member of the group.
The primary aim of the group is to enjoy our hobby, and perhaps promote an interest in the Museum.
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