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Old 3rd April 2013, 02:48 PM   #9
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by ferrylaki
this keris is not the example of young bali. this is an old bali keris.
I found that bali keris could be defided in two. the old one (circa majapahit) and the young ( the same periode with mataram and nomnoman).

the both has a quite different in size and dhapur. the old one usually smaller.
but...the both consistenly apply the same methode of making its pamor.
you can find in easily on pamor melumah. every layr is so thick and it would only a few pamor layers.

I hope you can understand my explanation.

and David, have you ever consider that this keris has already been modified from its original ?
I understand your explanation, i just don't see how you can be making these observations based upon this one overall photograph.
I do agree that with Mojopahit era Bali keris we would be likely to find more similarities between Javanese and Bali keris, but i am afraid that i do not have your skills to be able to determine that this particular keris is as old as that based on this one photo.
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