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Old 26th March 2013, 11:24 AM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2009
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The same type of Wrongko is depicted in van Duuren's bibliography, the last colour plate, also atributed to Banjarmasin. On this Wrongko besides the exagerated Lambe the most distinctive feature is the straight Loto. Solonese Gayaman Wrongkos generally doesn't have a Loto, except one type on which it appears, yet curved.

It says nothing of course. The makers in Indonesia are using Keris books for their creations for some time already. It could be just the light in the pictures, yet the right side of Wrongko (when held correctly) looks a bit like reworked, like sanded down, the surface has slightly other, lighter colour then the left side.
There is a possibility the Lambe and Loto are worked out on a common Solonese Gayaman.

The hilt looks like Peninsular Pipit Teleng hilt, yet without being Teleng.
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