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Old 20th March 2013, 07:35 PM   #1
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Default A Rare Zafar Takieh

This is a good reference example of a zafar takieh("cushion of victory"), sometimes called a "princely sword" or "crutch sword". Comparatively speaking this one is quite plain with a brass or bronze hilt. The hilts can be much fancier, and the blades conceivably could be of varying qualities of more desirable wootz. I am wondering if this example might be south Indian, but not sure.

It is built like a real fighter, even if meant as a ceremonial piece, and has a salawar yataghan or "Khyber knife" style blade that has been intricately pattern welded. It measures 38in. overall, with a 28in. blade.

The scabbard is newly made to match it.
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Last edited by CharlesS; 21st March 2013 at 05:25 PM.
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