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Old 6th March 2013, 05:10 AM   #13
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Not the same style at all, but here is another Spanish Colonial sword with the initials "SB" on it (plus an extra "B").
I also lean toward Philippines based on materials. Looks like i really nice sword.
BTW, since it's been mentioned more than one, i would like to point out that the symbol on the blade is a 5-pointed star, but technically it is not a "pentagram". A pentagram is literally "five lines" and denotes 5-pointed stars created with just 5 crossing lines. The 5-pointed star definitely has some historical connection with the Philippines, though generally it is not depicted alone, but with a half moon as a symbol of Islam or in groups of 3 along with a sun symbol as it first appeared on the flag in 1898. I've never seen this exact style of star with the internal "stick figure", but it could still be from the Philippines.
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