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Old 6th March 2013, 02:14 AM   #11
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
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Hmmm...One off is definitely right, but a very well made sword. I also saw the general pattern of the French Gladius, as Robert mentioned. Likewise, Carlos brings up a good point with the de mars patterns. The star and general shape of the sword, including the horn grip, reminded me of some of the Chinese jian patterns circa Boxer period. The workmanship is top-notch. The fittings appear to be pewter? And the design by which they are cut reminds one of some of the Chinese patterns I've seen. A wood scabbard is very atypical of French patterns. I've never seen a Spanish colonial piece in this shape, although the materials are right. The floral decor does resemble some of the Span types, but not unheard of on Chinese pieces as well. My vote, for what its worth, is Chinese in imitation of Euro types from the same period (c. 1850's)
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