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Old 3rd March 2013, 11:29 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
The keris in post 9 is overall a Solo keris, everything about it is Solo.
I’ve given the blade as possibly Koripan, which is a smithing village between Solo and Jogja. For a very long time the smiths in this village produced rough copies of M’ram SA keris, and very frequently these rough copies get sold as the real thing, ie, Mataram Sultan Agung.

Stylistically a Koripan keris has almost the same features as M’ram SA, but it is more crude and lacks refinement.

However, there are a number of other keris classifications that look very, very similar and it is not always possible to be absolutely certain what one of these generic Mataram blades should be classified as, so it is probably safer to dump them all in one basket and call them “late Mataram”.

I reckon “Surakarta/Late Mataram” is the safest classification for this keris.
Also here, thank you very much for the detailed comment. This blade have been every time a a big interrogation mark for me. That it isn't a Mataram SA blade have shown me the lack of refinement so my best guess have been that it is a village made keris from East Java. So the Koripan attribution seems to my eyes nearby. Very very good learning lesson for me.


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