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Old 26th February 2013, 09:03 PM   #47
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Moshah,

1. the markings at the bolster of this badik - is that what the N.Malaysian people called as a "gat" - a talismanic symbol that usually found on their badiks?
Your's looks very man-made to me - could it be leftovers of indentations from a vise or other holding implement?

2. The edge of this badik seems to have different, emm, "shades". If the true besi baja would be on the edge (which is the must in every case of badik and keris, I guess), then what kind of besi is in the upper part? As Kai have pointed out, it would be made of besi malela, which is basically a besi baja by itself, then did it not supposed to display the same gradient all over the blade?
This blade looks like the common sandwich construction to me: the hairy structure is the steel core exposed along the cutting edge while the smoother surface is from the outer layers. I'm not convinced the current staining does justice to the materials - I guess careful repolishing and warangan may result in showing the laminations much clearer; this doesn't look like besi malela to me - probably low contrast though.

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