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Old 20th February 2013, 11:51 PM   #5
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Thanks Gene! The smallsword really is an intriguing field of arms collecting, and one virtually untapped until about a decade or so ago. It seems collectors were typically not as attracted to them as they were considered primarily civilian and not as interesting, and quite frankly resources and identification material was tough to find.

Actually, these were far more present in military circumstances than often realized as most officers used thier own smallswords in many cases, as much in official capacity as in private affairs. Actually I hadnt realized that these type 'court' swords with the typical pas d'ane and shellguard were in use so early in the 17th century, and I had considered these mostly a form of the 18th century.

I do recall we had some conversations on one of yours some time ago, and absolutely, getting into these can become pretty consuming!!

All the best,
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