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Old 20th February 2013, 10:19 PM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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In Boccia & Coelho (1975, #582/583) are two examples of two-hander swords by brothers Giuseppe and Giorgio Giorguitti of Agordo dating from 1610-20. These both are apparantly to the Council of Ten in Venice (CX269/70). I think this would concur with the lion of St.Mark of Venice.
It seems these serpentine type marks also concur with other weaponry in Venice of this period with somewhat similar type marks (op.cit. 585).

Since Slovenia was of course close to Croatia, who for centuries furnished forces to military and forces for the Doge of Venice, it does not seem at all surprising for this sword to come from this provenance.

The smallsword/court sword hilt is also consistant with examples seen of similar configuration from this period and regions in Italy, but it would appear the knuckleguard is gone. I have not found a blade with this type fuller and forte arrangement, but certainly seems consistant with 17th century blades similar.

Extremely nice!!!
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